Cousin Crystal (she of the cool Halloween skeleton shirt a couple of posts back) delivered her beautiful boys, Hayden and Zachary, the Monday after Halloween. Told you she held out just so she could wear the cool shirt! Both boys were about a month early, not unusual for twins, but weighed over 6 # each! Way to go kiddos! I finished the second Baby Surprise Jacket last night and will get them in the mail to the boys tomorrow. I probably won't make the pattern again. Although it's cool the way it folds up to make a sweater, I'm not a fan of the clunky increases and seams on the front. I'm sure the boys will look adorable in them clunky seams or not though!
Rafter or gang or clutch or posse of turkey. Herds are for ungulates, walrus, and wrens. go figure.
And you are a real trooper/devoted aunt to have finished two.