Thank Goodness for Blog Buddies

Just got a comment on my last blog entry reminding me that Monday is actually the last day of November, not today. So I have TWO more entries to complete NaBloPoMo; today and TOMORROW. How sad would that have blow the whole thing because I can't read a calendar? I just figured, hey, December is coming next week, might's well start it out first thing on Monday!

This here is a picture of my BubberKev and I at Thanksgiving. We're taking a momentary break from strangling each other to goof at the camera. Our mamma must be so proud!

Back to online Christmas shopping! Have a great Sunday evening!


dale-harriet said…
I happen to think (if memory serves) that your Mama IS proud! And you know what, *I* am proud, and I'm just the mother of a girl of your approximate age! Yep - the month draws to and end tomorrow midnight. I won MY WriMo...sort of. I passed the 50,000 words (a couple days early); now comes the challenge of trying to finish the STORY by midnight tomorrow night. Wish me luck.....

Get this: my Magic Word is "metis"! How cool is that?? (The Metis were those children of French-Canadian papas and Native American mamas, about whom I have a lovely educational presentation!) (Cue theme from Twilight Zone)

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