Queen of Productivity

Went to Knit Night at The Ear last night. Did everything I could to talk myself out of it but the lure of my buds and Chocovine was too great. I didn't stay a whole long time, it was too crowded and hot, but they lifted my spirits immensely in the short time I was there. They are the best. I'm a lucky girl.
I even managed to finish these:
I like this Trek yarn. If I can't decide what color sock to wear, I'll pick these since they seem to have ALL of the colors in them!
With a little help from my friends, I am finally beginning to crawl out of my self-imposed funk today. Ben and I got up at 5:45 and took a walk for about an hour and fifteen minutes. We watched the sun rise and enjoyed the warm temps. I even had to take my fleece jacket off and tie it around my waist. Ben didn't take his coat off but he did pee on a lot of things to stay cool.

Came home and had some yogurt and fresh berries for breakfast, stripped my bed and loaded the linens into the washer, cleaned out the fridge and did the dishes. Then it was off to Wal-Mart to pick up a whole list of things. I HATE to go there so I tend to wait until the list is loooooong. It was pretty quiet today so it wasn't that bad. Got a nice deep dish frying pan, and a CD player so I can listen to my hypnosis CDs again, with b-day money from my Mum. Thanks Mum!
I stopped at Brennan's Market on the way home and picked up some aged cheddar and honey. Tonight is earmarked for my favorite comfort food; Molly Bees Special Toasted Cheese. (That's right Michael! I said 'Toasted Cheese rather than 'Grilled Cheese' ...'cause that's how I roll! If you want to try it here's what you do:
Take good bread (not packaged fog like Wonder Bread) Put in a slice of aged cheddar, and several THINLY sliced apples slices (with or without the peel-I do with). Drizzle with honey. Coat the outside with butter or margarine and put it in the 400° toaster oven for about 8 minutes. Take it out and sprinkle 2 tsp of Parmesan cheese on each side and out back in for another 6 minutes or so. YUM!
At any rate, I digress. I'm going to meet a friend for lunch later at Quivey's and then my afternoon will be devoted to getting me and big doggie outside to enjoy the last of the decent weather. Tonight will be finishing my Baby Surprise Jacket-over half done and watching The United State of Tara on Showtime On Demand. That show is hysterical! Anyway, that's all the news that's fit to print for now. So far I've reached my Nablopomo goal!


Mum said…
Glad to hear that the B-Day money was put to good use.
Gee... going to Walmart is a big treat around here!
Cindy G said…
I want those socks.

(the moose blockers are pretty darned cute, too)
Linda L. said…
You are not alone. I grew up calling them "Toasted Cheese Sandwiches" too.

And I love the Trekking socks. So pretty!
Lisa/knitnzu said…
Hey you Bonifide Beluga Savant! That trip to Chicago sounds FABULOUS. Next time invite me, OK? I grill my cheese, but probably they should be called fried cheese sandwiches. It's been ages since I've read blogs, i'm not ignoring you!!! LOVE your halloween costume, and I think I want khan's boots, but I didn't get a good enough look.
MadCityMike said…
Thanks for the recipe! I DEFINITELY will try it.....

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