Two Dog Power Snow Sled

We've been getting lots of snow in Wisconsin this winter and have found that Ben, while having lots of energy, is just not enough dog power to haul Mr. Bee and my chunky butts around should it ever come down to that. What to do? What to do? So just to be on the safe side.....

Here's our big surprise! Drumroll please! Meet Holli!

Holli is a 4 year old boxer lab mix that we adopted from Madison Mutts yesterday. It's the same place we got Ben from last year and I just CANNOT say enough good things about them. They don't have a shelter. They operate out of a series of foster homes and the dogs are loved and treated really well until they can find a forever home.

Holli has been through a lot lately. Her daddy loved her very much (he even sent along a video of her as a puppy...awwww!) but moved away and could not keep her. He gave her to Madison Mutts and then she was adopted out to a home with eight children who basically scared the crap out of her. Who could blame her! Eight kids! So she went back to Madison Mutts. Despite what must have a been a stressful few weeks for her, she is fitting in extremely well at Chez Bee. She pulled a bit of the diva routine with ol' Bouncin' Ben yesterday but that's to be expected. Ben is an aquired taste for some. But today they are getting on great! Here they are recharging and soaking up the sun together. Look at those chunky monkeys! That oughta be enough sled dog power!

But mostly she is veggin' on the sofa, restin' up and settlin' in. She doesn't like to have her picture taken and is really good at fending off the papparazzi. If you come to my house, I'll show you the album of the 75 photos I've got of her butt and the top of her head so far. The 'good ones', such as they are around here, are much like this "I van't to be alone..." shot below. Finally a dog to blame my shoddy camera work on! It's the subject, not the arteest, thank you very much!
Please join us in welcoming a new Furbaby Daughter to our family. Building commences on the ark once the snow goes off!


knitnzu said…
What a pretty girl!!!!! I'm glad she's with you and settling in.
Anonymous said…
I'm in love!!! And mighty envious too, I might add. Love the picture of the two of them in the sunshine.
Elizabeth said…
What a sweetie! Is she mellower than Mr Bentley? She looks mellow. If I had to move in with a family with 8 kids, I probably wouldn't emerge from my hiding place for a year, at least!
peaknits said…
Oh what a sweet girl - so lucky to move in to Chezbee! What a great story!
Kitty Mommy said…
Squeeeee! Congratulations Mama! You have a pair of very cute kids (even if Holli feels the same way about cameras that I do!

Any more snow and you'll need to hook 'em up to the sled to get to work, eh?
dale-harriet said…
Awww! She IS adorable - and that proves up my belief that you can pair up dogs - even of the same sex - successfully (this is not so with cats). Note to self: next time, TWO sow's ears!
dale-harriet said…
PS, Chez Bee: start that sled training; the forecast is for 3-6" of snow over the next few days. We're breaking the all-time record!!
Sus said…
She's so pretty! How wonderful that she's found such a good home!
Cindy G said…
Aww, looks like a real honey pie. I love stories with happy endings.
YarnThrower said…
Yay -- A doggy companion for Ben! I know she'll love it there!
DPUTiger said…
I'm so jealous! At least I get to play with the adorable yellow lab puppy next door to get my pooch fix.

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