Weekly Challenge #113: String Theory v. XXIV "Hip to be Square"

This week's Diva Challenge was to draw your string as a square in a square in a square etc. This is a weird angle, but here it is.

I really liked this challenge because I like to color in the lines! Clearly defined spaces are my friend.  It was a nice easy piece to relax with this evening after a long stress-filled day. Thanks for the challenge, Laura!


Anonymous said…
Beautifully done!!!

CrookedDog said…
Lovely - nice and airy.

Karen (aka Crooked Dog)
This is beautiful, I love what you've done keeping within the lines. Your angle is perfect, it really gives your tile the look of a gorgeous frame on the wall!
Cathy said…
This is so lovely. I love how you have so much detail in each "layer".
ledenzer said…
A truly gorgeous, well executed square!
Wow! Such beautiful detail and your squares look just perfect. Your tangles are great too.
Carmela said…
Very nice done! Compliments.
Unknown said…
Each square looks like a beautiful, intricate frame around a piece of art.
Very nicely done.
Didisch said…
You did a great job. Every frame looks great, with great tangles. :)
Chrissie said…
Very nicely done. I like all your frames and you have chosen some lovely tangles.
Jacque Solomon said…
Very pretty! I love the way all of your patterns are so compatible with each other. You are right...this was a relaxing project.

Jacque Solomon
Anonymous said…
Lovely, I especially like the outer border!
Shelly Beauch said…
A splendid selection of tangles!
You have 'framed' beautiful tangles in this tile.
katrina said…
great work, nice and light and airy
BethB said…
I love this... it looks almost frilly. Such pretty tangles!
Anonymous said…
A nice tile, great looking tangles and they go together nicely.
Rebecca said…
Beautiful tile! I love how smooth and even your lines are.
Sue Clark said…
Beautiful work!
Kathy said…
Love it.. so light and airy looking..

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