Turkey Suprise!

I started off today with a rainbow! Here is a photo of it on it's way out. I knew that it was a sign that today would go better than yesterday. Or at least that it would be sunny and rainy at the same time!

Since it has been delivered today, I can finally post pics of Sweet William's Super Secret Thanksgiving Suprise project.

Behold, the Turkey Carcass Thanksgiving hat!

He's going to hate me for life!

I am the essence of pure evil! Heh Heh Heh!

Wanna torture your the kids in your life? The pattern is on Ravelry. It's very poorly written with lots of mistakes in it but I made it through. It's pretty gnarly up close but at a distance (and for photos of him wearing it that can be pulled out for his Prom date's entertainment at a later date) it's OK!

It's going to be difficult to find something more evil than this to make the kid wear for the upcoming Christmas holidays but Aunt Min is trying! Love you Cookie Boy! Your folks too! Happy Thanksgiving!


Kitty Mommy said…
O.M.G. Love(infinite(
MadCityMike said…
You, of course, made one to wear at your holiday office parties?
Cindy G said…
Yes, a twisted evil woman (can hardly wait to see what you come up with next)
terri browne said…
oh Melinda, you have really outdone yourself this time! We all love the hat! Pictures will definitely be sent to you after Thanksgiving. It will go perfectly with his "My first Thanksgiving" t-shirt. What great blackmail for his teenager years!

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