Fowl Language

(Click to bigify-more detail)
This is the hugantic herd of turkeys that lives across the street from my house. They are almost always out there. I've grown very fond of them over the past months and have even named some of them. See the one on the far right? Her name is 'Giblets'. And the one next to her? 'Cutlets'. And that big tom right about in the middle? He's from a french speaking province in Canada. His name is 'Monsieur En Croute'.... They are pretty nonchalant for T minus 15 days and counting! Just sayin'.


Mel said…
They're nonchalant because turkey season is in the spring. At least it is most places I'm aware of. Right now is deer season.
MadCityMike said…
I'm sure that another is named "Tasty" and another "Yummy".......I'm sure you get my drift? ;)
Camouflage . . . they're doin it rong.

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