Bad News Bunnies
So I put together the bunny I was knitting for Hospice last night. Bad news. I think the folks over at Hospice have enough to deal with without being subjected to a misshapen wad of knitting and batting touted as a cute and fuzzy bunny. Something went VERY wrong in the assembly process. I think my problem was two fold. I think I used too fat yarn and knit it up on too fat needles. Then I over stuffed it. Wait...I guess my problem was three fold. The directions were clear but my bunny didn't look anything like the adorable cuddly one in the picture on the pattern. Mine was cuddly in a Three-Mile-Island-Bloated-Road-Kill kinda way. Which is no way at all really. Back to the drawing board. I'll give it another try in a smaller gauge and if that doesn't work, it's back to Teddy Bears 'R' Us to purchase Dorie Bears from now on!