Oui Oui Oui All the Way Home!

Mrs. M. and I sallied forth to Belleville (UFO Capitol of the World-really check it out!) this evening to try a new restaurant there-Belle’Bleu. It is Continental/Rustic French cuisine, much higher than my normal Mcstandards, but Mon Dieu, it was magnifique! We started with a cheese plate that included a poached pear stuffed with blue cheese-two great tastes that taste great together as it turns out...who knew? Then I had the pistachio encrusted roughy with an orange marmalade sauce. It was really good too! Mrs. M. had a chicken dish stuffed with goat cheese, peppers and olives and wrapped in prochuitto that was sublime as well. We dined in high style-even had a glass of merlot. And it was less expensive than the new steak house down the street-go figure! Great food-great company…I can think of worse ways to spend a cold rainy Wisconsin evening!

Now I should go continue on my acrylic fingerless gloves for Friend-Lu. Got one two- thirds done yesterday-maybe I can complete it before ER is over. Also I got a new machine quilting frame with some of my birthday loot so I get to put that together and look ‘er all over. I need a couple of pieces of PVC piping before I can use it though. It’s one of the table top ones that works with your own sewing machine. I saw it on Fon’s and Porter’s quilting show on PBS the day after I all but ruined by Robbing Peter To Pay Paul' quilt and just had to have it. I hope it works as well as it looked like it did. I will be able to get into lots of trouble with it I’m sure-any project that forces you to go to Home Depot for spare parts can’t be good!


Anonymous said…
It was wicked good!! I can't wait to back for more!
peaknits said…
I am going to have check this restaurant out - I was salivating thinking about your cheese plate!:)

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