Gettin' 'Er Done! Checkin' Off The List!
It's been quite a whirlwind the last few days. Mrs. M took me out to dinner Monday night in an ongoing celebration of my most recently completed solar excursion. We went to Grey's Tied House. It is the yummiest! And the company was wonderful. We topped the evening off at her house watching The Bachelor on her new mega-huge TV. That little Italian prince guy looks even better life-sized! She recently finished a beautiful pair of socks and is starting another. Not to be outdone, I started another pair too-from a heavyish, tweedy-type yarn. It's really soft. Will make good slipper socks.
Yesterday was one of those days I love. There were a lot of little things at work and at home that had been piling up and I managed to churn through all of them in record time; got my hair cut, got a lot of holiday shopping done,did laundry, took my old sewing machine out to the mall and gave it to friend Scott, cooked a nice dinner-roasted green beans, steamed broccoli and steak. The only 'incident' was that I managed to cook the plastic thingy from the bottom of the steak on the Foreman Grill. But I discovered it before it made too big a mess. [What is it with me a the paper that comes with food?!?At least I didn't eat it like the cheese separator!] We are still trying to get the garlic smell from the roasted green beans out of the house, but they were heavenly.
Tonight I hope to get back to the Halloween quilt. I got the batting and backing; just need to layer it and quilt the dang thing. Mr. Bee has been sequestered in his hobby room for two weeks- painting. He is running a gaming demonstration at a local store this Saturday and has 16 bazillion little men- orks, gnomes, elves and assorted other creepidy crawlies to paint before then. It's been a roller coaster of 'I can/can't get it done' but he's closing in on it. I will lend my support by sewing loudly from the next room tonight!