Bachelors and Broken Promises

So Mrs. M. comes over last night to watch The Bachelor. Oh. My. God. Will someone please hold Erika down for me so I can rabbit-kick that tiara off her spoiled little head?!?! Being a selfish, immature, whiney, little, rich girl from TX does not make you a princess, Princess! But anyway. I digress. We had tea and watched Lorenzo and I nearly completed my second fingerless glove. Photo coming soon I promise. Doesn't matter anyway because Blogger won't let me upload any photos today I guess. I was going to include the magazine pics of the glove and one of that princess-wannabe, Erika, but I can't. Oh well.

I’m beginning to cave! I promised myself that this year I wasn’t making nuttin for nobody for Christmas. But there are so many cute patterns out there! And if I quit my job and work every nanosecond from now until December 24th at midnight…I could maybe get everything done…..Heavy sigh...There must be some kind of a seven-step program for this kind of problem.


peaknits said…
I'm enjoying your blog - giving me restaurant ideas and talking about Knit Night - I am so going to get there! I love the Sow! Good to read about local goodies! :)

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