This One's For Cousin Cortney...

...who says I need to post more pictures of myself on my blog. Here's why I don't!

Got up early to go garage-saleing in the neighborhood. Turns out it was 38° with gale-force winds so we drove around a bit, but unless there was a 10 cent Hummel or a previously undiscovered Monet prominently displayed at the end of the dooryard, we didn't even get out of the car. We then headed to warmer climes inside The Sow's Ear for their Pampered Knitter sale. It's like a craft sale in the store; enamel jewelry and buttons, Heather's famous cat toys, felted items and roving.

This afternoon I spent in the company of my fav knitting group, the Victor Allen's Saturday afternoon knitters. I always have a great time with them and they always drop kick any blues I may be experiencing away. The conversation rocks and their mad knitting skills are always inspiring.

Tomorrow it's off to Alpaca fest. I am atwitter with anticipation! Photos tomorrow!


knitnzu said…
So does anybody out there even know what a dooryard is?
peaknits said…
Pampered knitters sale??:) I'll be waiting with baited breath to hear more about the Alpacas! Have fun! I'll post of picture of myself on my blog too - it's kinda scary to put yourself out there! You go girl! btw - any knitters welcome at the Victor Allen's gig??:)
Anonymous said…
Great picture. Love the cut. Have fun with the critters. Mum
you are beautiful thanks for the pic. sure do miss you.
Swrdnstn said…
Hey, it's great to see you! Mom and Dad Burton are here with us for Mother's Day and we were cruising the blogs to get updated on the world. We so enjoy your writings! You are talented and should become syndicated. Love ya, Bryan and Rhonda

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