Horrible Harrowing Heron Happening

This morning, Ben and I had an encounter with our blue heron friend. He's always on the far side of the pond if he's there at all and when I looked I didn't see him. The last couple of days he hasn't been and I figured he'd headed south for the winter. We ambled down the sidewalk to the far end of the pond where the reeds are only a few feet from the sidewalk.

All in a whoosh, the heron flew up out of the reeds right beside us, swooped at us, over our heads and then circled back around to the far end of the pond and landed! For a minute there it was all wings and beak and long dangly feet! Scared the Bejeepers out of me !!!

Had my eyes not rolled back in my head from shock and being just a hair this side of 'the vapors', I would had thought to look for his special 'toe comb' that Knitzu told me about, but I was busy trying to figure out what the police report would say about cause of death-'beaten and then eaten by gangly marsh bird' probably.

I think the heron was startled as well. Ben, however, won; both for being most frightened and being the quickest thinker in the self-preservation department. I know! 'Ben' and 'quickest thinker' in the same sentence! Once the dust and feathers had settled, I looked and there he was, flattened to a big, red, dog shaped film on the sidewalk with his paws over his nose and his eyes squinched shut. I swear I could hear him mumbling incantations trying to evoke his doggie superpower shield of invisibility.

Clearly he figured that if he kept a low enough profile, the pterodactyl will eat Mommy first and he could then run away as fast as his big, floppy, puppy paws could carry him. Valiant, true-blue, brave-hearted protector...y e a h...r i g h t. He looked mighty sheepish when it was all over, but there's not a doubt in my mind that if it ever happened again, the results would be the same. It's clear that when the heron hits the fan, I'm on my own!

In knitting news finished my another cable hat last night. I am working on the third from the skein of white I have. One has a roll up brim and the other two don't. I like the pattern. It's our there in the freebies under 3 AM Cable Hat I think. It's fairly easy, but the cables add a little break from the monotony of round and round. I am no longer grooving on the white yarn though. I'll be glad to start another color. Green is next I think. I'll try and remember to get a photo or two before I turn them in.

My knitting may slow down a bit now since I am taking an Adult Education online course about Women and Money Management. Did the first class last night and really like it. I've never been real savey when it comes to investing so I thought this would be a good opportunity to learn. Anyway....off to buy lottery tickets


Elizabeth said…
Truly Laughing Out Loud here! You rock!
Kitty Mommy said…
Yikes! What would you do without your brave Ben??? *snort*
Michelle said…
I was enjoying the post until I hit the "red, dog-shaped film on the sidewalk" bit -- a burst of out-loud laughter erupted and continued through the next several sentences!
YarnThrower said…
I can always count on you to make me laugh out loud! Good luck with the class! Be careful, going to school is addicting.
Cathy-Cate said…
Tell Ben that Herons eat FROGS, not DOGS. I know they kinda sound the same, but....

Would have freaked me out, though, that close. They're pretty shy birds. I think you scared it too.

I wonder if Ben will remember tomorrow when you get to that place?
peaknits said…
I am imagining Ben looking an awful like like Scooby Doo! That on-line class sounds wonderful! We could all use a little money smarts these days!
Anonymous said…
My eyes are watering from the Diet Coke bursting out of my nostrils. Me, oh my. Thanks for a laugh at the end of a horrific day!
dale-harriet said…
I had a similar experience tonight! Only....it was a millipede, and my heroic cats, undaunted by the thundering of its thousands of little feet, observed it cooly from their perches and then turned their curious eyes my direction, wondering why I was standing on the couch and pointing and shouting. If it drags me off down the basement and there's no one to feed them breakfast THEY'll be sorry.
MadCityMike said…
OH MOLLY BEE!!!! I, too, was laughing out loud so hard, that I woke up Copper, from her snoring! She actually got up and left the room!!!
You ARE the way to start my day......
Anonymous said…
You're such a spot of sunshine in this sometimes dreary world!
Cindy G said…
Oh Ben, how could you? (Still grinning at the image)
knitnzu said…
VERY good story! Poor Ben! So here's how I really know about the toe thing... wasn't sure you wanted to hear, but now that the pseudo pterodactyl nearly did you in, you might feel differently about the beast. I found a heron leg in the woods once. Just the scaly part and the foot. Had a palm like ours, with palm wrinkles and everything. And that toe...

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