Cool Test!

76 words


YarnThrower said…
The first time I tried the typing test just now, my results disappeared, because I must have bumped some key, so I think I was disqualified from the typing test because of the bad typing at the end. The second time I tried it, my results were 96 words per minute. My brother is a faster typist than I am, and tells me that our family types fast because we all play piano and have developed good finger memory. Well, I just have to say it's a good thing that at least one part of my body has a good memory, because my brain does not...
Anonymous said…
Dagnabit - I only came in at 71. I can't decide if correcting my mistakes helps or hinders..
peaknits said…
too fun!! 57 "words" per minute my husband thought I meant "characters" and felt like hot stuff - for a minute - when he got 27 wpm - heehee! Go Stacey! Go Stacey!


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