Mollies Hobble But They Don't Fall Down

Say hello to my leetle friend.

This will be my new bestest buddy for the next SIX WEEKS! Looks like a Star Wars Stormtrooper boot to me. I've been telling folks that the other boot and the helmet are back ordered. Or that it's a Time Life installment plan kinda thing. It definitely needs some stickers or something to dress it up. I've always operated under the 'if you can't hide it, decorate it' rule. Maybe it won't look so ugly with some butterflies on it. Yeah right!

Seems my 'heel goiter' as I've been affectionately referring to it, is actually a ruptured Achilles Tendon. I TOLD you it HURT! I wear this oh so attractive boot for 6 weeks to see if it 'helps', which it won't, and then it looks like there will be a surgery in my future. Swell. I'm thrilled. In fact I was so grouchy about it when we were driving back from the orthopedist's office that I earned the nickname "Bootsy Undeebundle Nickertwist" from my beloved. Oy ! At least I have one good foot left to work the spinning wheel with! And if I have the surgery, I'll get 4-6 weeks off my feet to figure out how to use it!

I went to Knit Night on Friday night for a couple of hours but had to come home early to let the pups out. Mr. Bee had a sleepover at one of his little friend's houses so I bacheloretted it for a night and all day Saturday. I tried to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather, I really did, but the lure of the wheel is strong. I did spend about 2 hours outside but the rest I was spinning away on my new cotton candy roving. I got it all 'singled' and am almost 2/3 of the way through plying. Photos coming soon.

Sunday I picked up a copy of Spin Off magazine. I LOVE it but not the $8 price tag. A lot of their on line archived copies contain pdf.s so I think I'll just content myself with learning that way. I already learned what wraps per inch was all about and the Knit Night girls filled me in on the secret that my new niddy noddy is a measuring device not just a skeiner-upper. I'm getting there. Slllloooooowwwwllllllyyyyyy.

The swatch pattern came out for the Mystery Lace Knit Along today. I have a lot to hobble though chore-wise tonight; baking of cookies, making meatloaf and picking up the laundry room but I hope to be able to spare 20 minutes or so to whip it up to see what it's going to look like. I'm pledging to keep up with this one! That said, I should gimp out and get to it! Happy Monday!


peaknits said…
Sheesh so sorry to hear about your achilles - omg - that really sucks! Sending healing vibes your way!
Anonymous said…
Nice new spring attire you've got there!!
DPUTiger said…
Much better than a cast. At least you can take le boot off for showering!

Happy thoughts for quick healing headed in your direction. Follow orders to give yourself the best chance to heal properly!
YarnThrower said…
So sorry to hear about your injury!

And, nobody is even going to see your hand knit socks through that boot thingy...

Anyway, I'm glad that it sounds like you figured out what is wrong now, so you know what your course of action is...
Cloudberry said…
Hope you'll get better soon. Sending some healing vibes too ;)
Elizabeth said…
Hope the foot will heal without complications. Foot pain is really no fun!
Cindy G said…
Oooh Nooo! (On the other hand, classic post title!)

Perhaps a hand knit, lace boot cover? Maybe a cavalier type frill spilling gracefully from the top? Or a cabled cosy with lacing up the front?

All kidding aside, I agree that sucks. Sympathetic vibes being sent in your direction.
Vicki said…
I am sooo sorry. It does look cute and makes you look least the parts we can see.

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