Comic Books and Fire Trucks

I am such a geek. Mr. Bee obtained a 'Serenity' comic book for me that had been personally signed by my hero "Cap'n Mal" (Nathan Fillion). I was so elated I did the one-footed-happy-dance (which Mr. Bee says is very close to the Pee-Pee Dance so he was momentarily confused, as naturally he would be) all around the kitchen. I kept thinking, "Captain Mal TOUCHED this! And I work in a company where we could extract his DNA from that and clone him!" Lucky Girl! Lucky Girl! Sigh. SUCH a big ol' geek.

I have been dividing my time between spinning and starting Mr. Bee's sweater. I'm spinning this wool/tensel from Sandy's Palette. I was iffy about the colors at first. I chose it because it's so out of my comfort zone color-wise. It's teals and fleshy apricots mostly. I was concerned when I started pulling it all apart that it was kind of 'barfy colored' for lack of a better term, but now that I've spun up a bobbin, I love it: apricots, teals, vivid blues, pinks. Can't wait to see it plied up. I'm on the 4,769th restart of Mr. Bee's sweater from Blackberry Ridge. I had to cast on 266 stitches. I had to do this approximately 800 times before I got it right; with enough-but-not-too-much tail left over from my long-tail cast on. Then I joined it and knit 10 rows and realized I had a twist. Mr. Bee is a pretty, pretty man, but I don't think even he could pull off wearing a Mobius sweater! I enjoyed having to unravel the whole thing so much that I managed to do it again the next time I cast on. I'm not the shiniest needle on the circular sometimes. But now I've got 'er all headed in the right direction and I'm really enjoying it. There is enough of a pattern to keep it interesting but not enough so that you have to pay a lot of attention. Plus I've put stitch markers between each of the 14 stitch repeats so I can only screw it up in one small area at a time (in theory).

Tragic news: due to getting soaked in the rain the other day, the stickers are coming off my Storm Trooper apparel. Now, I could be sad because I love the iridescent dragonflies a lot (although I must admit they aren't looking so pretty now with some of their wings and heads missing ) or I could see this as an opportunity to go to the craft store for another theme. I'm thinking fire trucks. I've done 'pretty and serene'. Maybe now it's time for ''danger, excitement and public safety vehicles'. I'll keep you posted.


Kitty Mommy said…
O.o If you have luck with the DNA extraction thing, could ya clone one for me while you're at it????

I love the colors! Of course, teals and turquoises aren't a bit out of character for me.

I started a tank top that I did the various miscounts and a couple of twisted tries. I ended up putting the skein in a timeout and eventually knitted a really ugly sweater for Bug with the yarn. Good for you, hanging in there! I will get back and knit that top someday...
Mel said…
I totally understand, though I've never watched Firefly or Serenity.

Speaking of Nathan Fillion, though, have you seen Slither? Hilarious zombie flick nominally set in my native state (though filmed in BC). I definitely recommend it.
knitnzu said…
Now I don't feel so badly about not finishing dh's birthday sweater (his birthday is end of Jan)... still it sits. It's dark yarn, and I only have the sleeves to do, so why does it sit????? And I started it several times too...
MadCityMike said…
Isn't he currently on Desperate Housewives, too? (I just realized I have to admit watching that show, in order to ask that question.....sigh......)
MadCityMike said…
OH! Forgot to mention Brooklyn Tweeds blog, too! Have you checked out his photo essay of spinning? I think it is a plot to get me to trying it again. :)
dale-harriet said…
OH I SO want to touch the hand that touched the comic that was once in the hand of Cap'n.... Say, I have an {embarrassing} quantity of stickers of all descriptions; would you like to meet at the Sow's Ear and I can produce an assortment? I got up to peruse your storm trooper boot the other night..and you were GONE! {sob} Well....maybe nex time (if it's off, just bring it along for general admiration).
Cindy G said…
I vote for firetrucks, but reptiles would be good, too. Or cows. Darn, now I want to go sticker shopping.
Crystal said…
It is fun to read how you guys are doing. I can't remember the last time I saw you. It has been many years. I will check in often to see how you are!

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