Cutest. Baby. Ever. !!!

Our friends in New Jersey sent pictures of Adorable Baby Jack and the blankie I knit him. Looks like it was a resounding success! Just look at that face! He's only 3 and a half months old but he already has exquisite taste in hand-knit 'woobies' and a grin that's gonna break a lot of hearts some day! He already has mine!

"I think you missed a stitch right here, Aunt Molly Bee!"
"Nah! Just kiddin' ya!"
Go on! Click on them to 'biggify'! You know you want to!


Shannon said…
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Elizabeth said…
There's nothing like the smiley-eyes of a three month old baby.
Cloudberry said…
Oh, he is cute!!
MadCityMike said…
He's photo trained already!! The blanket looks very soft, Aunt Molly Bee! :)
YarnThrower said…
SO adorable! And I think it's clear he loves his blanket! It looks great!
Kitty Mommy said…
Cindy G said…
Well, the first pic was cute, then I scrolled down and the second was even cuter. That has got to be one of the world's sweetest smiles.
How fun to see your work in such good company.
dale-harriet said…
Oh,'s true, that's the cutest baby in the world (in my experience today, anyway). Enjoy looking at that woobie - in two years, when he hasn't let go of it for more than three minutes at a time, it's going to look a little different. :-) (Ask me how I know)

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