Two Down

I finished two projects this weekend. The dreaded Grammie sweater. It's knit out of Cascade Quatro. I have no confidence that it will fit her at all, but here it is. It really does have two arms, but one is in the sun as it blocks on the kitchen table. And we all know that 'Can't Take A Decent Picture To Save Her Soul' is my middle name!

This is the Branching Out scarf from Knitty done in Silky Wool. I really liked the challenge of this scarf. It had a few new things for me in it but it was simple enough that I didn't have to 'tink' too much as a newbie lace knitter.

Cool! Two down and one to go. I have to finish my thrummed mittens before I can start on the cool Pembrokeshire Pathways socks that Peaknit is working on over at her blog. She is a bad, bad influence that Peaknit! I want to make everything I see on her blog! Better get to it!


peaknits said…
I love both of your finished projects - I am sure Grammie will like the sweater - keep the faith! And I have been wanting to make the Branching Out scarf - my to do list, she groweth! (thank you very much:)And the Pembrokeshires?! They are rather addictive - sorry, can't support abstinence! wee!
YarnThrower said…
I love the scarf! I've had that on my "list", too! I have until fall, though, when I'll need a couple of them for birthday presents.....
Elizabeth said…
Great FOs. Your grandmother will love it. (Mine loves anything I make for her, as if I'm a kindergartener and even my scribblings are signs of great giftedness!)
Anonymous said…
Beautiful work and thanks, you've just added to my list of projects. My mom will love a scarf like that.
Katura said…
Thanks for commenting on my blog! I'm really excited to be in the Knitting Path ring! Your Scarf is lovely. How did you like knitting with silky wool? I have some I am going to make a sweater out of one of these days. ~KC
Suelily said…
Hey nice scarf - I love it in pink! :)

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