Bless His Frosty Little Heart!

It's been so cold and snowy here for weeks that my patience was wearing mighty thin. I was just remarking to a friend at lunch yesterday that it was finally happening...despite global warming, we had somehow finally managed to plunge the planet into another ice age and it would never be spring least in my lifetime.

So it did my heart good when Mr. Bee and I looked out the window today and saw a little robin on the one tiny patch of lawn that the wind had blown the snow off! Oh he was all alone, confused, shivering, swearing and it looked like he had lost several toes to frostbite, but he was still there! The first robin of spring! I have hope!
I still haven't received my first Socks that Rock kit. Have you? I've been so excited every day because Peaknit got hers last week. I rush out and meet the mailman at the mailbox and...nothing. I'm beginning to scare poor Travis-The-Mailman. If that kit doesn't show up tomorrow, he may be too frightened to show up with the rest of the mail! Keep your fingers crossed for Travis and me. I have a feeling tomorrow may be the day!


peaknits said…
Hurray! The first robin is indeed hope of spring...eventually right? I will pray for you...and Travis-the-mailman!
Elizabeth said…
(I've been told that there are actually robins that winter over in our area. Maybe some killjoy just made that up to shut me up one year.)

I hope your socks kit comes soon. I've had the Shipping Fairy working overtime lately, so it's time for you to get a visit.
YarnThrower said…
I hope the mailman "delivers" tomorrow! It's bad enough for me when a knitting magazine is late in the mail... Package anticipation is so much greater that that!

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