Don't Even Think About Starting Something New, Molly Bee!!!

Here's how my twisted little mind works. I'm thinking about attempting a gansey (Fisherman) sweater. I've been thinking about it off and on since I saw Jerry's last beautifully completed one. But recently I've been obsessed! Yes, I have a gazillion projects 3/4 done. Yes, very soon it will be very warm; poor weather to be knitting a heavy sweater. But does my mind listen? Nope. The heart wants what the heart wants I guess. I will finish the blecky socks I'm working on and block my latest Branching Out Scarf, but then....the gansey....I believe she will be mine!

Since I don't have any new photos of the projects I'm working on, here is a gratuitous Bentley shot. I can't help it I just can't get enough of that Snuggle Pooch!

It was warmish when I left for work this morning so I didn't wear a jacket. Tonight is is 40°s and raining. Didn't think that one through too well. I got soaked getting to the car and now I can't warm up. Think it's time for some hot tea!


Elizabeth said…
Even a youthfully exuberant pooch gets tuckered out sometimes. I hope you warmed up. It was cold this evening.
Jerry said…
Molly.. The best book on Ganseys - in my not so humble opinion - is Beth Brown-Reinsel's Knitting Ganseys. Clear explanations and multiple patterns to choose from. And if you're lucky, Beth will comment on your blog like she did when I finished the White Gansey
Molly Bee said…
Thanks Jerry! I'll check it out!
YarnThrower said…
Yes, this weather say the least. Similar problems here about what to wear. I'm also fighting some urges to start a new sweater while I have several other projects in the works, so nose to the grindstone on the old stuff here, too. I agree with the comment about Knitting Ganseys. I have the book and have been paging through it, too. Also, the latest issue of "Wool Gathering" (Meg Swansen's publication) features a gansey which looks interesting, too, on the Schoolhouse Press website.
Jerry said…
Molly... When you get the book, try the little Gansey sampler first. It puts together most of the techniques without be overwhelmed by a full sized sweater.

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