She Said Yes!

By the way, she painted the landscape you can see on the wall behind her. Looks and talent. She has it all, my Mum!
Off to the Quilt store in Cambridge this morning to pick up fabric for my super secret project. Quilt work sometimes gets all mathy on me and I ALWAYS underestimate how much I will need and am always to stubborn to ask for help at the shop. Thankfully the quilt shop lady knows about my disability and puts a little more aside for me for when I come crawling back shamefaced! Call her an enabler if you will. I just call her my hero. She understands that it's all just number salad to me!
Have fun at the quilt shop. I think they don't want you to give up in frustration, but don't want to argue with you while you're delusional, either. Just put it aside: she'll be back.