Put On Your Dancin' Socks
Mr. Bee and I are gleefully planning our 'Aroostook County Maine Sat-adee Night Bean Suppah', Deah. Here is the invitation that went out to our friends:
The date for the official 'Aroostook County Maine Sat-a-dee Night Bean Suppah' will be February 24th. To make it as authentic as possible we will be eatin' at 5PM (shahp, Deah) so plan on droppin' by any time aftah 4PM. If you want to go whole moose, weah your 'dungarees' , 'woolies' and flannel shirts. We'll have the wood stove stoked so you won't need your parhkah. I'll try to arrange to have some black flies impahted. I have a hunch that they'ah a seasonal thing but judging on the season so fah, I may be able to swing it. Anything for authenticity Mistah Man!!!
Skiddah pahkin's on the street, Chummy! Ayuh!
Skiddah pahkin's on the street, Chummy! Ayuh!
We are having a great time planning the menu for our baked bean extravaganza. Most folks outside of New England don't eat baked beans unless they come out of a can and are a side at a bar-b-que or on a camping trip. We'll be cooking 'em up slowly all day in a big crockpot (in lieu of a 'real' beanpot or a shovel tough enough to dig a hole in the frozen tundra that is our back yard in order to make 'bean hole beans'). We may even try our hand at brown bread baked in a coffee can. Of course there'll be blueberry cobbler and whoopie pies for dessert! We'll dig out our Schooner Fare music and maybe even a Tim Sample CD. Can't wait! We plan on making it a yearly event to break up the winter doldrums. Don't know why we didn't think of it soonah! Ayuh!
By the way, I love beans! I make beans often, all 4 seasons of the year. ;)