Hanging My Head in Shame...Or Am I Just Asleep?

I am a party pooper. I went to Knit Night at 5:30 on Friday and then called Mr. Bee at 8:30 and begged him to come get me. I couldn’t run with the big dogs so I had to get off the porch. Finished a pair of socks and did three rounds on a new pair then lost the will to remain conscious. It was VERY warm in there and I didn’t have coffee-both of which contributed to a drowsiness that was just this side of embarrassing. So Mr. Bee and Wee Doggie came down, picked me up, took me home and tucked me in. No staying up with the big kids for Molly Bee!

Got up wicked early on Saturday to go to Waukesha for a Geocaching Event. Went with friends of ours and their 2 ½ year old son, Geoboy. He was ADORABLE. It was cold and he had so many layers on that he walked like a penguin. He has his own little pint-sized walking stick. It was all just toooooooo cute! We only managed 4 caches. When you have short legs and are dressed in 40 pounds of clothes and boots you don’t make good time. I’m talking about ME here; not Geoboy who was surprisingly quick and agile considering his clothing weighed more than he did! But we had fun. The city was having its annual Winter Jamboree so there were lots of things going on. There were even a dozen or so ice sculptors creating masterpieces on Main Street. Beautiful!

Yesterday morning Mr. Bee and I lounged around reading the paper, doing the crossword, and watching the snow. We were supposed to get 2-4” but got 6’ instead. We walked down to the local pub and grabbed a sandwich for lunch and then came back and launched our assault on the white stuff. Mr. Bee cleared the dooryard and sidewalks with the snow blower and I shoveled the steps, deck and large areas in the front and back yards for Wee Doggie. His legs are only about 4 “ long so I end up shoveling off a lot of lawn so we don’t lose him in the drifts when nature calls.

Worked on Grammie’s sweater some more and quilted some after Extreme Makeover: Home Edition was over. I am really liking my new quilt project. There is a lot of hand embroidery on it. Wish I could share more but so far it’s still a secret. Plan to work on it more tonight while watching the season premier of ‘Digging for The Truth’ . Josh Bernstein will be looking for Atlantis. What a cutie. Maybe I’ll give him a call and suggest that Atlantis may very well be hidden in the wreckage that is my quilt room. It’s at least worth a look!


Anonymous said…
Just love to read about your interesting life and times. Keep it up or you'll disappoint a bunch of my friends!

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