Diva Challenge-Leafy Goodness

This week's Diva Challenge was to add a leaf in some way, shape or form to your tangle to celebrate autumn.  I couldn't find any good leaves to trace-most of them were wizzled up, so I just free-handed the maple leaf-hence it's wonkiness. But in completing this exercise, I have taught you two new words: wizzled and wonkiness, so my work here is done. 

I also get to use this for my October 18th Inktober entry so it's all good! Thanks for another great challenge Diva!


Anonymous said…
Wonderful leaf and excellent coloured :-) Gudrun S.
Anonymous said…
Some of the leaves around here are to wizzled too! Great tile with the wonkiness and all! :)
jeanchaneyaz said…
Love the orange leaf, and that shadow is super!
ria matheussen said…
Very nice autumntile, I love the composition and the background with the beautiful shadow.
I do like your leaf and the background!
LezliB said…
Your wonky (? - I think it's wonderful and freehanded even) leaf is beautifully done and colored. The shadow is amazing and beautifully done. Great tile!
LezliB said…
P.S. Thanks for teaching us the new words....I love words! And I even have a Pinterest board called that....lol!
Anja said…
Beautiful autumn tile!

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