This and That: The Update

I've been trying to get back in the swing of things at work and at home this week. It took two full days to clean up the mess that being off for a week and a half created at work but I finally got that done. Now I'm buckling down on some projects that need doing and anticipating spring cleaning.

At home, I've gotten back in to the drawing thing big time. When I was sick, I didn't draw at all because it was just to uncomfortable to sit up at the table, so I read and knit mittens instead. Yet despite being sick, my housework got done. Now that I'm back at the drawing board so to speak, the nest is going to H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks again.  Correlation? Hmmmm... I have two pieces done that I want to have printed on note cards, but need a third one. Do you think I can come up with one that I'm happy with? Not so much! But I'm having a wonderful time trying.

On the knitting front, I am still working on the cable sweater and since I still have scads of the lovely colors from the Finorkin Fiddlehead mittens left over, I've decided to add a skein of cream colored wool from my stash and knit another pair in reverse colors. The colors I used for the 'fiddleheads' are now the background and the fiddleheads will be cream color. They should be a lot more colorful than the last pair and I. swear. to. G*d. I will not rip them out no matter what thing goes horribly wrong this time!  On a positive note, I am now a leading world expert in i-cord cast on and LOVE it!

Although it sounds like I've been keeping myself uber-busy, I've only been drawing and knitting for an hour or so each night. The  little, head, cold I contracted Monday (I KNOW, right?! With all of the antibiotics I have on board, I should be 10 feet tall and bulletproof but... not so much !) has wiped me out and I've been dragging my sorry butt to bed at 8pm or so. I was looking forward to the new 'Smash' and 'The River' tv series this week and had to tape them both because I started nodding off on the davenport or kitchen table at 7:30! But I've got the cold on the run now and so now I'll have something to watch this weekend.

Friday night the girls are coming over for Knit Night.  We go to the Sow's Ear on the 1st and 3rd Fridays, my house on the 2nd Friday and a local coffee shop on the last Saturday of the month. I can't begin to describe how much this group of ladies means to me. Each one is like a family member I got to choose for myself. Sisters In Yarn we are!

Saturday I'm going to lunch with a friend I haven't seen in ages. She's another one of those people. You know the ones you don't see forever and then you get together and pick up right where you left off with nary a glitch.

And I get to go back to the farm on Sunday. I haven't worked a shift since Jan 22nd and I miss caring for  my feather and fur buddies terribly.  I did go out last Saturday to watch a horse training but the time had apparently been changed and so I found myself alone.  I got to say 'hi' to everybody and get some skritches and snorgles in.  That helped some but I need to get back to toting that bale...literally.

So my derailed life is slowly getting underway and back to normal...or as normal as it gets for me. How are you guys doing?


Glad you're getting better, even if you have been hit by another cold!

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