Ode to Stephen King

(Sung to O' Christmas Tree)
O' Stephen King, O' Stephen King,
Your books they so delight me.
O' Stephen King, O' Stephen King,
Your novels they do fright me.

From Salem's Lot to Needful Things
From Misery and The Shining,
O' Stephen King, O' Stephen King,
I'm so enamoured with thee.

O' Stephen King, O' Stephen King,
Outside the blizzard's raging,
O' Stephen King, O' Stephen King
Through your latest read I'm paging.

If I must be tucked in at home.
I'm glad I'm stuck here with The Dome.
O' Stephen King, O' Stephen King
Chester's Mills is done, I'm wag'ring.

O' Stephen King, O' Stephen King,
Cold winter winds they do blow.
O' Stephen King, O' Stephen King
Outside the temps are zero.

A cup of tea and quilt of down
Will Captain Barbie save the town?
O' Stephen King, O' Stephen King,
Today you are my hero!


Cindy G said…
Inspired! (and I'm not even a King fan)
Anonymous said…

::scurries over to library website to request::


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