Snuff Snuff Oink

Well, it was bound to happen. I'd been doing the inward happy dance (it's way more graceful than my outward one) that I hadn't had a bad cold or flu all winter when WHAM, Snotfest hit me right between the eyes. Literally It was the weirdest thing ever. I was perfectly fine at 9:oo PM and by 9:15 I was stuffed up, coughing, wheezing, sneezing and generally felt like I'd been flung under a semi. Twice. Maybe three times.

I figured that if it was the flu, you're supposed to get right in and get Tamiflu so I called the doc from work this morning. The nurse was none too happy that I was at work after I described my symptoms and made me go home to wait for my 2:30 appt. Talk about feeling toxic. I felt bad enough anyway, but then to have a mask strapped on for 2 hours and everyone in the clinic avoiding me I have the plague. Sheesh! An exam, chest x-ray and a few puffs on some kind of modern day peace pipe and I was sent home loaded up with Tamiflu, Benedryl, codeine cough medicine and a portable peace pipe of my very own. I am quarantined for the next 48-72 hours until the H1N1 culture comes back. Doc said that he's sent lots of cultures in but all have been negative but I am the first one he's given the Tamiflu to. He patted me on the back and said cheerily, 'You're a contender!' Like I should be happy about it! Swell. Typhoid Molly. Story of my life.

I CANNOT have the 'bad' flu because I spend about 40 minutes holding Sweet William yesterday and if I am responsible for making him sick, I don't know what I'll do. His dad has been really sweet about the whole exposing his brand new son to God-Knows-What thing. He's a newly knighted Physician's Assistant. He even makes house calls and brings chicken soup! I like the way they're training them down at the UW these days!

Anyway, email me, comment me, call me. Ben and I will be here in our hermeticly sealed bubble for the next couple of days at least. With all of the meds, it could be a potentially interesting conversation! Stay healthy everyone!


Michelle said…
Oh dear! I hope you can KNIT!
terri browne said…
We hope you are feeling better soon! Don't worry about William -- he's doing just fine. Let us know if Bentley needs a walk!
Crystal said…
I am sorry to hear you are sickley. Hope you get feeling better soon and that it turns out not to be the piggy flu. Love ya!
dale-harriet said…
I feel obliged to pass along a joke I heard today (from a 4th grader): "My grampaw said there would be a black president - when pigs could fly....and then we got the swine flu!" (insert requisite har har here). One thing I CAN recommend (and as a Jewish Mother I'm as good as any ol' doctor): I recommend spending the most of your time horizontal with a book (rather than knitting). And (seriously) let me know if you'd like to borrow a TERRIFIC AND FUNNY book ("Cold Comfort Farm"); I have the book, the movie - and the audiobook. Guaranteed to make you chirp right up.....
MadCityMike said…
Get better soon Molly Bee! From the sounds of it, you are being well taken care of and will be bright and chipper soon! I hope you're able to enjoy "some" of the down time.......
Cindy G said…
Oh Noes! Hope you are better soon. Drink lots of fluids, rest up. Hugs.
Johanna said…
OMG! Take care of yourself. This will pass quickly.
Kitty Mommy said…
Oh Man! Take care of that Molly Bee. I hope it turns out to be Sow's Ear Flu instead! My blog has chocolate covered baby pictures to help pass the time...

WV: Cownes - what bovine princesses wear.
Mo said…
I'm sorry you are feeling so sick.

On the bright side, Ben is a great snuggle partner and he may even share his MJ Fox toy if you're real nice.

Get well soon!
Elizabeth said…
Well, THAT SUCKS! doesn't it? I hope it passes quickly, whatever it is.

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