Ruby Slippers

Name: Ruby Slippers
Roving: Wool from Rainbow Fleece Farm (with shiny add in)
Weight: 100g
Wraps Per Inch: 16
Yards: 330

This was so much fun to spin! You know me and all things shiny! I am disappointed that I can't get a decent picture that shows all the tinsely sparkles though. You'll just have to trust that they are there.

Next up: FrootLoops!


Anonymous said…
Looks like a great job spinning! They say "practice makes perfect".
Elizabeth said…
Lovely lovely!
Kitty Mommy said…

Are you bringing it to knit night? I'll be there for a bit at the beginning with the whole famn damily. Gotta show off the Ear!
knitnzu said…
Lovely! Are you going to make yourself some ruby slippers from it??
Cindy G said…
Oh, yummy!
MadCityMike said…
Excellent Molly Bee! Each time I see some yarn that you've spun, makes it harder and harder to have to wait until June for my beginning spinning class. I'm joining spinning groups on Yahoo and devouring the daily digests......enjoying each one very much.
Have a good one!
Cloudberry said…
Beautiful red!
YarnThrower said…
Wow, that's amazing! Did I tell you I'm not going to start spinning until 2020? However, when I see your results, it makes me want to start sooner..... Very lovely yarn!
dale-harriet said…
Well, as someone who has laid her very own human eyeballs directly ON that yarn, may I add that, pretty as it looks here, in person it's eye-wateringly stunning. It has PERFECT sparkle; too much looks tawdry, not enough looks weak. This is shimmering Perfection, MollyBee. I'm not a spinner (not even aspiring) but I can certainly ADMIRE it with the best of 'em!

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