Heah's Grovah, Deah!

Ain't he wicked cunnin'? Blue faced Leicester. 2 Ply. Lace weight. ~ 3 oz.

Remember that thing Grover used to do on Sesame Street where he'd run toward and then away from the camera to demonstrate:




(If you ever see my brother, BubberKev, ask him to do his Grover impression for you. He does it perfectly, complete with floppy arms akimbo and his head wobbling back and forth. It's hysterical. Especially since BubberKev is not known for doing silly things...EVER!)

I was shocked when I went to put Grover away, how much yarn I've spun up this spring:

I don't have plans for any of it. The joy is still in the making at this point. Time will tell...All suggestions appreciated!


Susan said…
You did a fab job, for sure!
Kitty Mommy said…
Thank you so much for the Sesame flashback there!

Grover is adorable and can certainly hold his own with the big kids!

See you tomorrow at Last Saturday???
Elizabeth said…
OOOOOH. So lovely!
peaknits said…
What an awesome pile of yummy yarn! I think savoring it, petting it and looking at it is all you really need to do with it for now:)
knitnzu said…
Very beautiful! I say make brother dear come over and hold each skein and do the Grover thing... near and far!
MadCityMike said…
It all is beautiful Molly Bee!

I am looking forward to getting back on my wheel very soon. We head back into Badger territory Sunday, leaving the Bronco's and Bison's behind. :)
Do with it? Do you have to do something with it? That's not the fun part.
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous and bee-yoo-ti-ful skeins of fibery goodness dahling!

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