Haven't Been Able To Work All Morning...

I've got the feeling I'm being watched like a hawk.... I can't explain it... unless it's this guy! (Be sure and biggify it and check 0ut those talons! I took this with the company camera through a dirty window, but still...)
You know it's going to be a better day when you get to work and this is perched outside your window! He stayed for over an hour this morning before soaring off to hunt gold finches. Also had a vivid orange Baltimore Oriole out there and we never see those. How am I supposed to work under these conditions!?


Anonymous said…
Promega's Wild Kingdom
No wait.... that was Omaha's Wild Kingdom!!
Elizabeth said…
Remember Gary Larson/The Far Side? He had one: Birds of prey know they're cool.

Ain't that the truth?

My husband sees a lot of interesting wildlife in the Research Park off Whitney Way. Whoda thunk?
Kitty Mommy said…
Well, thank wool that it wasn't a vulture staring back! Now that wouldn't have been a better day ;o)
MadCityMike said…
Very cool! Surprised he(?) stayed around for so long....maybe he was digesting something he ate and felt bloated? :)
peaknits said…
Holy Crap! He's a monster! They are so amazing to watch...til they grab up a helpless rodent...or small dog! eek!
Cindy G said…
Wow, he's beautiful!
knitnzu said…
So what are those big balls? Way cool about the hawk!

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