Eye Candy

I don't know about you, but after the day I've had, I need some nice soothing eye candy, my good buddy Mabel and quite possibly a glass of Blackberry Merlot to schluff off this day! If that doesn't work, it's a clock tower and a semi-automatic. That's how bad a day it's been! So we'll try the eye candy, spinning, wine thing first....

One very full bobbin of Fruit Loops merino singles... Looks more like Highlighters to me except for the very dark blue.

And my newest socks....
It's Fleece Artist Merino. Can't remember the name but it's all berry colors so let's just call it Blackberry Merlot OK?

(And with that she wanders off, mumbling to herself, to drink some...)


peaknits said…
I have had a crap day - so I'm with you - needed that soothing eye candy - thank you! And some merlot - or a non-wine-lover's equivelent!
Elizabeth said…
Lovely singles! Very fruity, indeed.

I hope the day looks up a bit before it ends. And I hope tomorrow will be better.
YarnThrower said…
I'm having a reasonable day today so far, though some days I wonder....how early in the day is it appropriate to begin drinking? I generally put it off until evening, and by then I'm just too tired to think about it...

I hope you're feeling better Tuesday (the day after)! Things won't be worse, anyway, right?!
MadCityMike said…
Beautiful yarns...as expected, Molly Bee. I hope that I become 1/2 as accomplished a spinner as you are. You're an inspiration.......

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