A Snapshot of a Moment of My Work Life

November is ‘Blog Every Damn Day’ month or some such nonsense. So I thought I would give it a try. Since I won’t be home this evening…KNIT NIGHT AT THE SOW’S EAR YAY!!! (Happy Dance)…ahem (gathers self together) I will just post a shorty from work on my break. Here is an example of the conversation going on in the dept. at this very moment.

'Diet Pepsi is bad for you in the long run. You can tell this by some experiment that someone heard of about someone watering their crops with Gatorade which is full of electrolytes which plants love in the short term but kills them in the long term.' I kid you not. They are almost in a fist fight about this. Of course I'm paraphrasing but you get the gist.

Meanwhile the other half of the group is trying to figure out how to dress up gourds to look like flies, turkeys, monsters and in one case, a camel, to enter into the departmental gourd decorating festivities. (Pictures in tomorrow's entry) Judging is in 30 minutes. The place is a flutter. I have been running around looking for special office supplies for people all morning and saying things like, “No, we don’t have any orange fuzzy felt just ‘laying around’!” and “No, Highliters are not guaranteed to write on gourds..” Apparently the Gatorade boys finished their entry early. They have agreed now that Diet Pepsi hasn’t been around long enough for anyone to decide if it’s deadly or not. They will patiently await more data and reconvene in 20 years or so

As you can tell, it’s a very busy day and we are getting lots of important work done here so my break is over…


bobbi said…
i didn't know about blog everyday in Nov.
so i'll be back daily.
Cindy G said…
Work sounds "interesting". What kind of crew are you running with?
dale-harriet said…
What a howling SCREAM! I agree with the judges, the fly ROCKS (what on earth did they use for the wings?) A friend of mine used to work there, I think....I love those Serious Important places to work, don't you? :cackle:

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