Bentley Bee Goes Postal

It was a big day for Bentley Bee! As loyal readers know, Big Ben LUVS Mailman Travis and his Magic Mail Truck. If we know he's on the way up the street, we go out on the front step and watch for him. We wag and wag and bark hello before toddling to the mailbox to help bring in any especially drool proof mail. Today, Mailman Travis backed the Magic Mail Truck right into Ben's driveway and got out! He was beside himself with joy! Mailman Travis opened the Magic Mail Truck up to get some boxes for Mr. Bee out and Bentley Bee jumped right in! Once he was convinced to come out, Mailman Travis lavished him with lots of mailman love and attaboys. Big Ben was beyond ecstatic. Mailman Travis was considerably soggier that when he first got out of the truck. It was a red letter (get it?) day in DoggieLand. Blissful sigh!

I got my 6th Secret of the Stole clue finished last night and took this truly pathetic picture today! Yay. A whole night to knit my alligator scarf before the next clue comes in!

Tomorrow night is Knit Night at The Sow's Ear and a bunch of us local bloggers will meet up. Dale-Harriet of Cat, Sticks and Books fame calls us the 'Hog and Bloggers' (since it's the SOWS Ear, get it?). Yesterday I got a message from Beth over at Chocolate Sheep that said that she had gotten a message from Dale-Harriet and she was 'calling the hogs'. Not flattering but hysterical nonetheless! Can't wait. Hopefully I'll get a good head start on Grammie's second IstmasChray Ocksay!


Peggy said…
I think your stole is gorgeous. It is one of those that just looks soft and cozy.
Elizabeth said…
I'm hoping to make it tomorrow night. Not sure how the family will tolerate that, but I'm ready for quality time with the knitterati.
stitchin' girl said…
Your stole is really nice. I think your photo captures the patern and shows it off pretty well.
YarnThrower said…
Your dog totally cracks me up! It sounds like he really keeps you smiling, too! Your stole really looks nice. Will miss knit night tonight. One of my friends *gave* us four tickets to the Badger BB game, and so we're going to that, instead...but I might bring my knitting to that! Have fun !!
Cindy G said…
Bently is so adorable.
knitnzu said…
Bentley sounds like a riot. I lived with an irish wolfhound in Syracuse who loved to snatch the mail as it came through the slot in the door. We had been wondering why the mail was scattered all over the floor, then one day were home when it came. There was the dog, mouth open wide, grab and fling with all the mail. With the other 2 dogs egging her on. We were told shortly after that that we had to provide some other mail collection method (a joint compound bucket on the porch worked). Pretty stole!
Anonymous said…
Your stole is beautiful and Mr. Bentley Bee is amazing!

Plus your Mr. Bentley Bee stories are the best! I still remember the story (in May, I think) when you blew a puff of air into his face and he responded in kind. I almost fell out of my chair laughing so hard. My brother asked what was so funny and then he and my sister-in-law were also laughing when I told them the same story. Take care.

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