Palm Piercings and Chimp Chatter

Mr. Bee and I share a car so I knit to and from work. Just socks 'cause it's easy, portable and I don't have to think much. Yesterday we hit a bump and I poked a size 2 nearly through my palm. I had to forcibly pull it out and it bled...a LOT! I couldn't get it to stop so ended I up sporting a dorky-looking bandage around my hand all afternoon because I couldn't get a Band-Aid to stick to my palm. The 'kids' asked what happened and I told them. Now the balance of power has shifted. They are uneasy. Unsure. They are afraid that if I'd do that to my own self, there's just no telling what I might do to THEM. I'm liking having the upper hand, even if it does have a 2.75 mm hole in it.

The kids are extra funny today. We got a demos of a new gadget that lights up when someone is on the phone. Honest to God, they are like a bunch of chimps with a June bug; poking at it, scurrying away and chattering at each other about it. I suspect they will spend the next couple of days crank calling each other to make it light up. I love my job.

Went to see Fred Claus on Saturday as a treat after we did all of our outside-button-up-the-house work. I LOVED it. Of course Vince Vaughn could just doze and drool in front of the camera for 2 hours and I would be perfectly content and entertained. He can come down my chimney and eat cookies any time! Ho! Ho! Ho!

Tonight is TV night at Chez Bee. 'House' and 'Bones'. Sigh. Pure bliss. I plan to get step six finished on my Secret of the Stole. I'd like to finish it up and work on my Scarfigator a little more. I had wanted to complete it for the Employee Art Fair, but not sure if that's going to happen. The Stole is taking a lot more time and effort than I thought it would. Lace isn't my forte I guess. Especially in the mad count-down before the Holidays. But I'm hanging in there and the pattern is totally worth it! I think Nautical Knitter will be having another KAL soon and I am looking forward to participating in that as well. I'll get the hang of this lace thing if it kills me!

And then there's my after-Holiday project. I always pick a project to work on in January that's just for me. For after the hustle bustle of Christmas projects has ended and there's nothing to look forward to. This year's project is the purple and white snowflake Christmas stocking from IK Holiday issue. I KNOW, right?

But here is the #1 reason why lace knitting is so difficult for me. The 80# sleepy lap dog!

Check out Mr. Bee's flashy 'lounge pants'. I like this picture because it makes him look like Wilson on Home Improvement!


peaknits said…
I like the Mr. Wilson reference - nice. I have always wondered when I would have an accident while knitting in the car. Recently I've given knitting on the treadmill a whirl - only with safety glasses on - I must look ridiculous, I haven't considered the possibility of piercing my jugular - ah well. Ignorance is bliss.
DPUTiger said…
Hidy-ho, neighbor! Well, I have a tendency to drop stitches on socks in motion, so I lean towards larger needles in transit. Sorry to hear about the injury. YEOWCH!
Anonymous said…
Mr. Bentley is back and very comfy on the couch thanks to Mr. Bee...great photo of the guys!
Vicki said…
If I speared myself it would be fodder for months around here. Is it bothering your kniting? I hope not.
dale-harriet said…
Now, that hardly seems fair - not to mention OW!! Think what could be done with size 50s? It's true, we should be garnering some serious Respect, being as we carry those Truly Dangerous sharp, pointy sticks. Incidentally, *I* always buy boys' lounge pants like that too - because BOYS' come with pockets, which I consider totally mandatory. Goofy-lookin' on a 64-year-old woman, but no one sees them anyway (except DH, who declares them 'really ugly" and leaves it at that.
That purple and white stocking is the ENTIRE reason why I bought this year's Interweave Gifts issue. Can't wait to see yours!

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