Wool Wads and Doggie Detox
Ever since we adopted him in March he’s had a compulsive people-licking problem and doesn’t want to stop when he’s told ‘no’. Any body part exposed is fair game and sometimes if skin is not reasonably accessible, clothing will do in a pinch. For the past three days, we have cut him off cold turkey, telling him ‘no kiss’ and pulling away every time he tries, which is… conservatively estimated…every 2.6 nanoseconds. There is such a hurt look on his big, goofy, doggie face, but he seems to be getting the hang of it. Now instead of rushing at us, lapping with wild abandon, spit and drool flying; he tentatively approaches and kind of sticks his floppy tongue out and gently touches you with it as if to say, “Is this what you said not to do?”. After he 'gets it' completely, the doggie instruction manual says that we can start offering a cheek and asking for a kiss. It says that this is a way for him to show affection and a small strategically placed buss on the cheek is much easier to tolerate than the full body bath we’ve been taking up until now. It’s a question of boundaries. Some days we honestly can’t tell if we are raising a human toddler or a canine!
Work continues on my second Tidal Wave sock. The sock blocker people sent me an email yesterday to ask what size blockers I wanted, which I am taking as a positive sign that I am actually going to receive them someday. I ordered them on Ebay and then I think they went to Stitches Midwest which delayed things significantly. And I have a lack-of-patience problem some days.
I also spun up a bit more wool last night. I still have the second wad [See how ‘spinningly challenged’ I am? I don’t even know the technical name of said 'wad'!] of yellow/red roving so I was going to make a second skein so that I’ll have enough for a hat or a scarf, but a weird thing is happening, the single is not as lumpy and bumpy and thick and thin this time around! It’s much more thin and uniform and I can’t seem to make it match the first skein so now I will have two skeins that are the same color but different consistencies; each too small to make anything with! I could use it as an accent yarn I guess…on something small…or just chalk it up to a learning experience.
I also have a BIG wad of lovely, lilac-colored soy roving but am scared to try it because the lady that sold it to me, took my money, lovingly put the soy in a sack and handed it to me with a smile. As I turned to leave she said (snidely and under her breath), “Good luck spinning THAT! I’ve never had any luck with it!” She’s a seasoned pro and I am…well, we’ve already determined my skill level…and at that point I hadn’t spun but a handful of test merino to try the drop spindle before I purchased it. I reeeeaaaaalllly would have either appreciated the commentary BEFORE I spent good money on the product or no commentary at all because now I’m totally freaked out to even try it. I’ve spun alpaca and wool and so far wool is my favorite because it’s not as slippery and hangs together a bit better. Has anyone tried soy? Any tips?
So funny