Eventful Week

It's been an pretty eventful and productive week at Chez Bee. We belong to a Community Supported Agriculture program and got a butt load of fresh veggies last week so I have been looking for new and inventive ways to use them. I made a killer Ratatouille and some refrigerator pickles. New potatoes and green beans are on tap for tomorrow's supper and kielbasa and summer squash after that! We also got the world's tiniest watermelon. It was a little smaller than a cantalope. I kinda felt bad eating it but not too bad because it was YUMMY! Here is a truly sad photo of it before its demise with my water bottle for reference.

Things were productive on the knitting front as well. I finished sock one of my Tidal Wave socks and was pretty happy with the way it turned out. It's made out of Toefootsies Yarn which is a blend of (among other things) soy and shellfish shells! The truly disastrous photos continue with a shot of the sock and a close up of the pattern. The closeup is more indicative of the actual color.

OK, all you folks who know how to properly spin fleece into yarn might want to save yourselves and turn away now because my prize accomplishment of the week is turning this.....

Into this.....

It's lumpy. It's bumpy. It's thick and it's thin, but it's mine all mine! My first attempt at spinning any quantity of wool into usable yarn on my drop spindle. This photo is of the skein I have uncerimoniously hanging in the shower to dry. I carded it, spun it, plied it, skeined it and set the twist. ME! I did that! So if you see someone wearing a hat knit out of funny looking yellow and red yarn in the future....it's ME! Be sure and say hi!


Anonymous said…
It's beautiful!!!!
bobbi said…
great looking socks!!
Elizabeth said…
Great job on that spinning!

And love the sock.
i'm totally impressed with the spinning. That was your first time? Amazing. Every attempt (admittedly very few) I've made has looked like a whole lot of nothing. Congrats!
Anonymous said…
LOVE the socks. I do believe I have a yarn genius for a daughter!
peaknits said…
My sister and BIL are probably in the same community based program - so where's my vegatables? :) I love the yarn - good for you knitting it yourself - I've just been suspiciously eyeing a drop spindle kit someone special gave me...to taunt me. And the socks - rock!
Anonymous said…
Having seen the Tofutsies sock in person, I can vouch for how gorgeous it is.
Also, make sure to bring your spinning in so we can ogle and pet it. You did an awesome job! :):)
DPUTiger said…
Very impressive effort! I'm glad spinning and dyeing don't get my juices going. Between the knitting and the quilting, I have enough stash and projects to keep me busy for a looooooong time! :)

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