
Heavy sigh.....
As of today........

You signed up on August 2, 2007
You are #22591 on the list.
11771 people are ahead of you in line.
7129 people are behind you in line.
35% of the list has been invited so far

It's harder than getting Packer Tickets!!! I want to join the dance! I want to get off the porch and run with the big dogs!!!!!


peaknits said…
OMG it is harder than getting Packer Tickets! Sheesh.
bobbi said…
was a big draw, i read so much about wanting to join Ravelry. what don't i understand?
Sus said…
It's brutal. I signed up on June 22, and I'm finally within 119 of getting invited. Of course, now that classes have started again, I won't have time to play when I *do* get invited! Argh!

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