She's His Valentine!

Last night I was curled up on one end of the love seat and Holli was snoring away (literally) on the other end. Ben comes ambling over and starts his humming squeaking thing that he does when he wants something. So I say…

Me: What do you want Ben?
Ben: Moan Moan Growl Squeak .
Me: What do you want?
Ben: (Meaningful stare) Grunt, Growl, Hummmmm.
Me: (holding out my hand) Do you want me to pet you?
Ben: (backing up) Moan Growl Squeak Belch .
Me: Do you want to go out?
Ben (Enthusiastic wiggling of the tail and butt) Snort! (Heads for the door.)

So I put down my needles and my Noro sock, dig myself out of my cozy nest, go to the patio door, open it slightly and…no Ben.
I retrace my steps and find him. He’s curled up in the warm butt print I oh so recently left on the loveseat with his head on Holli’s back and his eyes closed. Apparently I have slipped a few notches in the pecking order at Chez Bee! Ben has a new Valentine!

Speaking of Valentine’s Day, Mr. Bee sent me the most beautiful roses in a red glass vase. He’s the biggest sweetie! He also got me a copy of Outing Riley, a movie I’ve been wanting. We were going to go out for sushi tonight but decided to just order Chinese and hang with the puppy loves this evening. I’ve ordered Seasons 1-3 of The Vicar of Dibley from the library so we may curl up and watch that. But I’m guessing it won’t be on the loveseat!

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!


Elizabeth said…
That's one tricky dog you've got there.
Cindy G said…
Clever fellow, indeed.
YarnThrower said…
Happy Valentines' Day!!

I love your dog !! So smart..... Hmmm......not sure what you can do about that! I know he has you smiling, though!
peaknits said…
Aw shucks, what a romantic pooch - what he meant was he wanted YOU to go out:) Happy V-DAY!

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