Hookin' Up The Sled Dogs!

As you can see by the crappy picture above, today was...well...a little snowy. Work was cancelled. School was cancelled. Just about everything was cancelled. That's ice build up on the outside of the window. We got 13-14 inches of snow which the wind promptly rearranged into 140 foot drifts through some voodoo physics I'll never understand. We spent a snug and cozy day inside with quick trips to dash outside and try to keep the dooryard and deck open. Don't know why we bothered, our street wasn't open until 6PM! I feel so bad for the plow guys. What a winter they are having!

We heard on the news tonight that Interstate 90, a couple of miles south of Madison all the way to Janesville and beyond, is bumper to bumper traffic and has been since before noon today. They talked to a lady via cell phone who said that she has been 'parked' on the highway since 11:30 a.m. and it was now 5:00 PM and she hadn't seen one plow in either direction. I feel bad for the folks that have infants etc. sitting out there. But she said that they were doing pretty well taking care of each other and that farmers from the surrounding area were bringing out food and water. Hard times usually bring out the best in folks. Too bad we can't rememer that once the crisis is over.

Mr. Bee and I, as I said, pretty much hunkered down. I finished my Mountain Colors socks with the mini bamboo stitch: and started in on the much coveted Nuro sock yarn. The colors are so pretty that I'm just knitting them in straight stitch. I put a crock pot of hot chicken soup on this morning and it smelled divine all day and tasted pretty good after all that shoveling at supper time.

Mr Bentley wondered how he was going to get out to take his 'bio-breaks' in all of that snow. It turned out not to be a problem when some ancient wild hare gene kicked in and had him bouncing all over the backyard like Tigger. His head's a made a the rubber! His seatsa made a the spring!

He was happy to come back inside and curl up with his people and warm up his big floppy feet though!
Hope things are significantly less snowy in your part of the world and if not I hope you have good sock yarn, warm furbabies and rocking chicken soup!


Mel said…
Well, they've certainly been a lot less snowy here on the Maine coast, but it has started coming down in the last hour or so. Portland is forecast to get 4-6 inches last I heard, and they're calling for 6-8 in southern York Co. I may be sleeping at the clinic tomorrow.
Elizabeth said…
Those socks are just wonderful!

What a day! I wonder when the snowplow will get to my circle. Often, it's one of the last ones.
Sus said…
Your socks look great! I love the colors in that yarn. Glad you had a cozy day in the midst of all this.

I had a snow day, too -- although grad students don't really *get* snow days, but my experiments didn't need tending today so I stayed home. I didn't get anything done, though! I'm not sure how it happened. I didn't even knit more than about 1/3 of a plain dishcloth! Thank goodness the brave, wonderful Chinese restaurant delivery men were working today! Mmmm... Mushroom chicken!
YarnThrower said…
Your socks turned out great!

Nice to hunker down for a day. My shoveling muscles are going to feel it, though, and I'm glad things should be back to normal today.
peaknits said…
My gosh this snow - I'm just sick of it. Yowza. I didn't leave the house! I can't wait to hear more about Noro - I just got a skein of #95 off of ebay, can't wait to see it, knit it - and hopefully NOT felt it:)
knitnzu said…
Whoa! what a lotta snow! The year I left Syracuse, we got a single storm that dropped FOUR FEET (not so much compared to the 12 feet they got last year in the lake effect zone)-and then it drifted, but not so much in town. THAT was funny to watch the dogs romp about in. Did you really get 140 foot drifts???? Cool!
Cindy G said…
16 inches here, but we're on the main drag (the state hwy through town) so the plows came by pretty regulary. No 140 ft drifts, but 12 foot piles of snow at the corners downtown. (Makes left turns verrry interesting). Stay warm!

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