Happy Chinese New Year

I'm a little late, but Happy Year of The Rat everyone! I love a new beginning and another chance at those resolutions! I hereby resolve to remember the new changeover and to not write 'Year of the Pig' on all of my checks for the next two months like I usually do...

PS. Hopefully I will have a BIG surprise to post about tomorrow!


dale-harriet said…
Don't you just hate that? I always forget what year it is too -fortunately Google had little rats on their logo. (I can't ever even remember my OWN sign, now I'll have to look it up.) We had Chinese buffet last night, partly to celebrate the new year. I sure love those little round sesame balls with sweet bean paste in. I am NOT saying how many I enjoyed. And you can't (8) make me.
peaknits said…
oooh surprise? can't wait?!
Cindy G said…
Mmmmm, does this mean that you now have to get rat slippers?
YarnThrower said…
LOL -- Of course, maybe you *do* really write "year of the rat" on your checks, in which case, how rude of me to laugh out loud....

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