Weekend Update

Why are weekends so short?!?!? Friday night was Knit Night at the Sow's Ear. I got there good and early and cranked away on my Mountain Colors socks. I got the entire leg done before I discovered that I had dropped a stitch about 1" below the ribbing on the top. Sigh...Since I am knitting the Mini Bamboo pattern from the Vogue Stitchonary, it was not as easy as just going back and getting it so I unraveled 6.5 inches of leg and started again. Somehow it's not so bad when you have good company around. Had I been home watching TV I may have turned suicidal.

I managed to buy yet another skein of sock yarn since we all know how little I already have! Actually I didn't buy it. I have a gift certificate from D&T from Christmas that I put to good use. There was a lady sitting at the end of my table knitting a sock in Blackberry Ridge "Tropical Fish" color way. It is something I would have never picked out in a million years but the sock that she was knitting was turning out so beautifully that I was inspired. I'll have to remember that she was knitting it in Twisted Rib stitch when I get started on it.

We had a great time on Saturday. We bundled up and trudged up State Street in the snow to go to the Historical Museum and see Dale Harriet and Mr. Dearling in their fur trader regalia. I hadn't been to the museum in so long. What a treat! Dale and Mr. Dee taught us all about the fur trade back in the day and were very tolerant of me fondling the animal pelts. So soft! And then Dale left her post (literally and figuratively) and showed us all around the Native American exhibits. She knows everything, Dale does! She made the long ago days of Wisconsin come alive with her facts and stories. If we hadn't had to leave for an appt., I would have gladly stayed there all day! Alas, we soon meandered back down snowy State Street, stopping at Ian's Pizza for a slice of spinach, chicken, pesto (YUM).

Yesterday was a chore day. Lots of cooking and grocery shopping and laundry. I got my sock leg redone and almost finished the gusset while watching the last part of the Super Bowl and waiting for House to come on. The Giants deserved to win. Is that little Eli Manning the cutest thing ever or what! I feel bad for the Pat's, but was appalled at the total lack of sportsmanship when they lost; both the team and then the locker room interview with the coach. Made me a little embarrassed to be a New England fan. Put on your big boy panties and deal! Geez! (House totally rocked incidentally. Hugh Laurie rules and so does Mira Sorvino! )

Hope to finish my sock tonight and take a photo in natural light tomorrow to post. My blog has been sorely missing photos lately and I have another good one of the Benmeister too. 'Til tomorrow!


DPUTiger said…
If there is one thing I have learned in sports, it's that your true colors come out when things don't go right. My best friend worked with Eli when he was at Ole Miss, and has nothing but wonderful things to say about the entire Manning family. I"m quite glad the Giants won as well!
peaknits said…
I agree - the weekends go by so quick...so will this week once we start digging out after Wednesday's storm right? I still want to strangle that little groundhog - wanna help?

I agree, the Patriots in the locker room? wtf? grow up! I wasn't really rooting for either too hard, but was pleased to see the Giants play with the same heart they did against the Packers! (and really, Tom Brady is much cuter...sorry.)
Cindy G said…
First Superbowl I've watched in years. I was pulling for the Giants simply because they were the underdogs. So it was a pretty exciting finish.

I've never watched "House" but absolutely adored Hugh Laurie in "Black Adder", and also "Jeeves and Wooster" (or was it "Jeeves and Bertie"?)
knitnzu said…
No furry pics?? I agree about the football... (ssshhhh) But we couldn't stay up and watch all of that house episode. So sad. Maybe it's online someplace?

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