Finally! Finally! Finally! Fabulous February!

Top Five Reasons Why February is Better Than January...

5. It's not January!
4. Groundhog's Day!
3.Even if it sucks, it's only 28/29 days long rather than 31.
2. Valentine's Day!!! (Also the 20th Anniversary of the day Mr. Bee and I 'met')

Yeah, I take umbrage with January. I don't know why. My Mum was born in January for which I am eternally grateful. I'm sure it's a perfectly good month with lots of redeeming qualities in some parts of the world. But on my planet, January is something to be endured, much like a blister on your heel, or a Mel Gibson movie. The holidays are past. My "My-Holiday-Projects-Are-Over-And-Now-I-Can-Start-My-New-Year's-Project' high, which started on December 25, is over. My 'I-Can-Rule-The-World-If-I-Only-Stick-To-These-Three-New-Year-Resolutions' phase has died a slow and painful death. It's cold. It's miserable. I'm extra grumpy. God! I HATES me some January!!!!

By the 31st I start counting down the hours until February arrives and will share this information with any other human who crosses my path on that day. I have it down to 5 minute incidents because anything less than that...well...that would just make me some kinda nut. And then I wake up on February 1st. For a minute I forget. I think, "It's freezing and snowy and dark and dreary and I cannot survive one. more. January. day. I'm just going to pull up the covers and stay in b.... Wait! It's February 1st!" And then I bound out of bed like a kid on the first day of summer vacation, all smiles, lollipops and rainbows.

I know February can be just as brutal weather-wise as January. My fixation on the ills of our first month is not logical, reasonable or possibly even sane, but there's something about Feb. that makes everything alright again. Whatever gets you through right? Happy February everyone!!!!


dale-harriet said…
HOORAY! Me TOO! Plus which, two more oppportunities for Knit Night at the Ear, of which the first is tonight. 'sides, I love Valen-time too. Even if it IS now "Mr Valentine's Day since he was demoted, but the holiday is just as cool.
Anonymous said…
Amen Sista! The only thing that keeps me getting out of bed everyday in the winter here is knowing it is one less day until March 1st. Granted we can still get snow in June, but come March the temperatures are at least tollerable some days and there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
knitnzu said…
Pretty funny! I'm sure the long dark days don't help a whole lot either!
YarnThrower said…
Happy February! May it be all that you expect it to be (in the best of all possible ways) and more!
peaknits said…
I hate January too - and if that little groundhog sees his shadow... I will personally drive to Sun Prairie and pull his hairy little behind out of his hole for another look! I told my mom I would choke the sh*t out of him but in retrospect, that just seems wrong.
Cindy G said…
Go February, also birthmonth of Lincoln and Washington (not the generic "Presidents" whose day they have foisted upon us).
Anonymous said…
Glad you made it! I think you have lots of company! Your Grandfather would be proud to know that you're a "chip off the old block", since he hated January with a passion.....Mum
Kitty Mommy said…
I have a three-year-old daughter who apparently agrees with your sentiment (at least right now...pretty changeable, those three-year-olds). She is running around the house in her swimsuit today! I think she has had enough winter!

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