Giddy With Anticipation!

You signed up on August 2, 2007
You are #22591 on the list.
775 people are ahead of you in line.
15884 people are behind you in line.
56% of the list has been invited so far

I may arrive at the Ravelry velvet rope tomorrow!


YarnThrower said…
You crack me up...... So, you maybe are able to see the bouncer now??
Unknown said…
Yay! be sure to look me up, I'll be "peaknit" of course!)
Anonymous said…
See you there! Friend me and I'll friend you back!
Welcome to the par-tay!

I got to keep better track of all you newcomers so I can hunt you down and friend ya'll!
knitnzu said…
I am, oh I don't know, the naysayer here or something... I have been on for what to some would seem like a long time, but I rarely go in, because blogging in general is enough of a time suck. But it is nice to search patterns... Hope it is what you are looking for!

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