Happy Halloween! I'm A Prize Fighter!

(Warning: This episode contains a graphic medical mishap that may not be suitable for all readers. Parental Guidance is advised.)

I just had to document this here, because I'm not convinced that this weird-ass crap happens to anyone but me. I'm like that old Bad Luck Schleprock cartoon guy these days; the little cloud of doom never far from directly over my head.

I just went to the dentist to have an old filling replaced. While he's in there working (if you're squeamish, this is the part where you may want to look away) he gets the inside of my upper lip wrapped around the high speed drill. That's right. You read it correctly. Apparently it got too close to my lip, just grabbed it and twisted it around there until it tore open. I was oblivious except for a slight tugging since my head is so full of Novocaine it may never truly thaw again. I was clued into the fact that something was amiss when he jumped back, exclaimed 'Uh Oh' and grabbed lots of gauze to staunch the bleeding.

He finally got the bleeding stopped and told me to go home and put ice on it; twenty minutes on/twenty off to take down the bruising and bleeding. I just looked in the mirror and the burg that sunk the Titanic wouldn't be enough ice at this point. I look like Angelina Jolie and Mick Jagger's love child. I mean, it's lucky that today is Halloween so I don't have to shell out for a costume and all....a little dark eye shadow around one eye and I'd look like the loser in a big prize fight...but what about tomorrow? How much bad karma do I have to work off anyway?


YarnThrower said…
I'm sorry, but I broke out into laughter when I read your post. Really, I'm so sorry. The dentist's office is bad enough without having to worry about the flesh inside of your mouth getting stuck in a drill and being twisted about...

I might see you at knit night on Friday. One of my friends from my chemistry class and I are planning to go there... I'll look for you if we actually make it over there...
peaknits said…
I hate the dentist - your just caps it off for me - I recently told someone I would have a yearly exam every day for a month vs. the dentist - I really like my OB - but that is just sad and slightly twisted. Glad you saved on the Halloween duds anyhow:)
Elizabeth said…
OH, eep. I may never go to the dentist again.
DPUTiger said…
YEOUCH!!! Be careful with that. My dad just had one of his wisdom teeth out and wound up with a hole in his cheek that got infected. If you don't keep progressing towards normal, make sure someone takes a look at that mouth!

hope this doesn't screw up the french toast plans :(
knitnzu said…
You poor thing! I sometimes worry about that, even just with the cleaning brush! Ugh ugh ugh. No bad karma, you're racking up some kind of redeemable points there. Salt water gargle/rinses are supposed to help keep your mouth clean when something's open like that. Hope you're better soon!!! (those fingers are gruesome, and very cool)
dale-harriet said…
Oh my DEAR! I have to admit, I laughed too -- bless your heart, that attitude. Good thing it's not Valentine's Day, how on earth would you explain that? On the other hand: I have had a grim pathological terror of dentists since a girl, and the only reason I can read that and laugh instead of passing out and crying is --- last year I *finally* got my devout wish of the last 20 years and got dentures. At LAST I have no problem going to the dentist...I can just leave my teeth there and go knit for a while. (I'm still squonching up my mouf just at the thought of it, though....)
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry! I went on Tuesday and Cole went today so I guess it was good we didn't go yesterday?!? I think for that you can mug a nun and still be positive on the karma.

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