Something Is Afoot

Not much to report. I've been working diligently on my Secret of the Stole project. I have to get the second clue done by Thursday night. I knit and frogged, knit and frogged, knit and frogged until I thought I would lose my mind. Then I figured out that after I do the right side, there is always 99 stitches. So if I count the darn things at the end of every row I knit, I can find the mistakes easier and sooner. Duh! Now it's going a lot smoother although as carefully as I pay attention, I still seem to miss a yarn over the first time around EVERY ROW! Maybe I'm not smart enough for this project!

Other than that, I've been babying my foot. I went to the doctor on Monday and learned that I have tendonitis and a cyst in my Achilles tendon of my left foot. Apparently my self diagnosis of a 'heel goiter' was not accurate. The doctor didn't even crack a smile when I called it that. Geez, tough room. If I don't take care of it (wear the special fashion statement that is an ortho sock thing, put it up as much as I can, ice it, and stay off it as much as possible) I will need surgery. No thank you! I'll be a good girl I swear! It is killing me though because I love to take Ben to the new dog park near the house. Maybe I can rig up some kind of a cart and he can pull me around the trails. Hmmmmm..Here Bentley! Here Boy!


YarnThrower said… sorry to hear about your tendon. I hope things improve on that front! I count my lace on every wrong side row. My husband knows he must not speak out loud to me when I am doing this.....
knitnzu said…
Ugh, how awful about your tendon! You do anything alternative? I've found homeopathic arnica (the tabs) is a good first step to help heal trauma (bruises, sprains, childbirth!, etc). I had to be in a total torture device prior to knee surgery so that my leg would straighten out normally. Life is all kindsa fun, eh?
Peggy said…
With MS3 and the other stole KALs I always count atleast the wrong side rows. It certainly can be a bugger. I'm looking forward to seeing your stole.

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