Wavy Scarves and Usetabee Coasters

What is crafting really? It's turning one thing into another.... I turned this Cascade Quatro yarn...

Into this Wavy Scarf (modeled by Bentley-The-Dog)

Whereas Bentley-The-Dog, in a sudden burst of inspiration which occurred when we left him alone in the house this morning, took a coaster, much like this one....in fact it was exactly like this one...

And turned it into this....

Sometimes there is a fine line between crafting and canine vandalism.... Is this artistic genius?


!!!Bad Dog, Bentley!!!

Yeah, that's what I thought too.....


YarnThrower said…
laughing out loud, again!
Anonymous said…
Poor Bentley, He just wanted to get in on the "crafting one thing into another thing". Only his idea was sort of "in reverse"! Or, he was into making sawdust, but just didn't have time to get to the finished product! Whatever... Cut him some slack and clean it up with that fantastic new vac that Mr. Bee likes to use!
Elizabeth said…
He needs a little lesson in etiquette for dogs, doesn't he?

We missed you today. See you in August, I hope!
Vicki said…
I had a dog named Bentley many years ago...he too got into things, usually when we left him alone for too long...like 20 minutes. He also liked to run like he was on fire as soon as the front door opened.

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