Knitting and Life

Knitting Content:
I began a Rowan Kid Silk Haze shawl night before last while we were watching “The Number 23” and “Premonition (both were not worth the price of the rental). I am totally enthralled with this yarn though! It’s like knitting with cobwebs and the shawl is as light as air. I keep making Mr. Bee fondle it. He’s beginning to get a wee bit annoyed and downright concerned about my sanity, but I don’t care. This stuff rocks! It’s like Fairy Princess knitting!

The shawl pattern is from the “One Skein Wonders” book. I got a copy from the library and then thought I’d photocopy a couple of the patterns I liked. Once I marked all of the patterns I wanted to copy with little Post-It note thingies, it fairly bristled with the little red markers. A book with that many good patterns is a keeper so I went to B&N and got my own copy. After all I am the queen of seeing a skein of yarn that I like an having to cart it home with no idea what I’m going to do with it! This is the perfect book for those special skeins and orphans I have in my stash.

Anyway, when you finish knitting the shawl, you are supposed to string beads along the edge with nylon thread. I will have to look into that little detail more before I commit to it as I’m afraid beads would be too heavy and drag the piece down and make it hang funny. The whole shawl will only weigh 25g! The Kid Silk is a lilac-y color (or course) and would like pretty with some dark purple beads, and God knows I’m all about the bling, but I’ll have to see once I’m done.

I bought some new swag at Knit Night….yes…again. I am cutting myself off until October now; a self-imposed yarn diet. I have more than I can knit up before I’m 60 now! But it’s so irresistible! They are getting all of their new winter yarn in. I got a skein of Tofutsi’s sock yarn, two skeins of Fiber Artist Sock Yarn and a skein of lace weight that is to die for!

Knit Night was fabulous. The crabby lady wasn’t there or if she was I didn’t see her. Everyone was in good spirits. One lady even played a ukulele and sang a couple of songs. I didn’t last long since I haven’t been sleeping well lately. Mr. Bee and Ben came to pick me up around 9:30. Ben got to meet Heather, Sow’s Ear Chick Extraordinaire! And she gave him a treat which made her A-OK in his book! Now he stares intently at the building whenever we drive by. I swear he would scream “HEEEAAAATTTHHHEEEERRRR” (a la “STELLLLAAAAHHHHH”) out the car window if he could.

Oh, and I forgot about this. I ordered some Cherry Hill Ribbon yarn from the Discontinued Yarn Girls to make scarf/shawls to go over wool coats in the winter.

Life Content:
We saw a coyote and a pheasant on the way home to lunch today. Not together thank goodness. The coyote ran right in front of the car on the road between two cornfields! It always amazes me to see nature and the ‘burbs smoosh right up to each other so closely. [One time I saw a turtle laying eggs right by the side of a busy city park path during a 5K race!] The pheasant was down the road a piece from Wyle E. so he’ll probably live another day. We’ve also been seeing a Kingfisher by a small pond near work for the last couple of weeks and our old friend Mr. Red Tail Hawk has been skulking about the telephone wires on the way home. All of the sightings are like little miracles to me. Restores the soul it does!

Big Ben has been very repentant since his little Arts and Crafts fiasco on Saturday. He can’t seem to cuddle enough or do what we ask of him quickly enough. If I had know that all I had to do was let him chew up a coaster to get him to heel when walking and sit at crosswalks I would have let him have at all eight of 'em months ago!


peaknits said…
Bentley sounds like such a laugh! Your posting today is wonderful, so sensory and interesting - in case you were wondering:) One Skein is a fabulous book - and if you are the Queen of buying yarn with no purpose, surely I am the Princess!:)
bobbi said…
I too own One-Skein Wonders, among lots of others. don't knit out of most of them but love to own them.
yarn diet? that sounds like what i need to do. even with stitches coming up next week.
i'll keep you posted on my diet progress.

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