Hogwart Socks

I have never read a Harry Potter book and I only saw the first movie which made me horribly seasick during the Quiddich scene but even I know these latest socks are Hogwart colors!

The basket weave socks are done!
One side has the gold 'lightning bolt' and the other has a white one. Pretty psychadelic but I like the basketweave pattern. It's made from Socks that Rock yarn that came in my Rocking Sock Club packet. I decided to go in a different direction with it!
"Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same."
-Francesca Reigler


Sus said…
Cool! I'm not a Potterite, either, so I'm afraid I just see a neat tie-dye thing going on here. :) The pooling is really interesting. These will be fun to wear!
peaknits said…
i love the socks! i have never seen anything harry potter either - but wow, people are really into it - I may need to see what all of the hype is about:)
bobbi said…
gives me an idea as to how to use my STR yarn. I have not made any of the socks yet, i'm not sure about the patterns. but seeing what you did makes me think. Don't use STR patterns.
thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me a great suggestion for Figment socks.

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