Stinking Socks and Slobbery Geodogs

They're done! They're done! The Stinking Socks are done!
I've been glad to get projects done before but never so much as these socks made with that stinking yarn!
Now that I've done my little Snoopy Dance...
Happy Easter Everyone! Hope everyone survived the ham overload and all of the kids and their sugar highs. We kept it low key this year. We went to Quivey's Grove for a wonderful Easter Brunch with friends D and T. Then they came over to meet our newest furbaby. He was his delightful-please-please-won'tcha-snuggle-me self. They did and he rewarded them with slobbering all over their Easter finery. Ah...puppy love. Sometimes it's soggy going.
We cleaned in the basement some and then took a break and went to Mount Horeb to score a geocache. It was to be Ben's first adventure as 'GeoDog' so we got all of our winter duds on since it's in the 30°s, got the cache coordinates loaded in the GPS. Got new batteries in the camera. (Gotta document his first treasure hunt for posterity!) Put the dog blanket in the back seat, grabbed his leash and water dish, hit the road and drove 15 miles. Got to the spot...........and discovered that the cache was only 20 feet from the car. Heavy sigh....Turns out this was not Ben's first geocache. But is was the first time he ever sat in the car and watched Mommy and Daddy scrounge in the shrubby by a parking lot. Yeah. We didn't get photo documentation.


Elizabeth said…
Well, the socks look nice. Maybe they'll smell better after a nice bath?

It was a good day for a drive in the country.
YarnThrower said…
Your socks look great, in spite of the yarn! Actually, maybe it's just that a good knitter can knit **any** yarn to make it look good?? Sounds like you had a nice adventure -- fun to hand out with a new doggy, I bet! I sooo wanted to get a dog, but my allergist highly advised against it... :-)
YarnThrower said…
Oops, I meant "hang" out with a new doggy.....

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