Monday Celebrity!
You Guys! You Guys! I met a bonafide celebrity this morning! I had an early morning blood draw at the clinic and the technician must have been Eeyore from Winnie the Poo! She sounded like him, looked like him and dragged herself around the lab like him. The whole time she was taking my blood she was bemoaning the fact that she hadn't slept all night and had felt like crap for 6 weeks now. She was coughing and blowing.....all while poking holes in my protective outer coating!!!! Yikes! I had her smiling a bit by the time I left but WOW! Eeyore! Live and in person! Well, the 'live' part seemed up for debate, but I'm still counting it as a celebrity sighting because, somersaults...that's how I roll! She even did such an Eeyore job of the draw that I have a big battle wound in the crook of my arm. So if you think your Monday is off to a bad start, just think, there is someone who is having a way crappier day than you...she's down at the clinic!
A lazy weekend was had at Chez Bee. Stick and I took a couple of walks without mishap...well for me anyway. Stick had a slight problem on Sunday when Mikey, the Labrador Retriever we met, tried to take him for a spin without permission. Stick now has doggie dental dents in his leg but he walked it off and seems fine.
We watched a History Channel show on Roanoke Island. It was really good but I couldn't believe they were still showing a car commercial that was from the holidays, complete with snow, presents, Santa and lights. They must have shown the same commercial 20 times in the 2 hour show...Then I noticed Citibank was doing it too-credit cards,caroling, and cookie decorating. Were budgets so bad that they had to show this crap in MARCH? I fussed about it to myself for the whole two hours and then when the show ended I realized it was on my DVR. Seems I must have taped it...oh...I dunno...'long about Christmas time? Sigh.
I worked on my crocheted bunny. Ummmm.....I think it's going to need a little more work...
I did some tangling-
A lazy weekend was had at Chez Bee. Stick and I took a couple of walks without mishap...well for me anyway. Stick had a slight problem on Sunday when Mikey, the Labrador Retriever we met, tried to take him for a spin without permission. Stick now has doggie dental dents in his leg but he walked it off and seems fine.
We watched a History Channel show on Roanoke Island. It was really good but I couldn't believe they were still showing a car commercial that was from the holidays, complete with snow, presents, Santa and lights. They must have shown the same commercial 20 times in the 2 hour show...Then I noticed Citibank was doing it too-credit cards,caroling, and cookie decorating. Were budgets so bad that they had to show this crap in MARCH? I fussed about it to myself for the whole two hours and then when the show ended I realized it was on my DVR. Seems I must have taped it...oh...I dunno...'long about Christmas time? Sigh.
I worked on my crocheted bunny. Ummmm.....I think it's going to need a little more work...
I did some tangling-
I cleaned out the fridge, vacuumed and a whole lot of other fun things that I won't bore you with. It was nice to have a weekend where I didn't HAVE to do anything. Very restorative. How was YOUR weekend?